Official Traditional Catholic Directory


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About The Book

More and more Catholics tiring of the 'New Mass in the vernacular with contemporary music are seeking the Traditional Latin Mass the Roman Catholic Mass of 2000 years as it existed before the introduction of a radically-changed 'New Order service after the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965). The Traditional Latin Mass never disappeared and is more popular today than ever spurred on by such energetic supporters as film star Mel Gibson and Pope Benedict XVI.</P><P>This Eleventh Annual Edition (2006) of the <I>Official Traditional Catholic Directory</I> provides the only comprehensive listing of the over 600 Traditional Latin Masses regularly and publicly celebrated in the United States and Canada.</P><P>The <I>Official Traditional Catholic Directory</I> also provides extensive lists of traditional resources including traditional Catholic organizations seminaries religious orders lay societies periodicals suppliers retreats and schooling as well as contacts for Traditional Latin Masses outside the United States and Canada. It also includes information on traditional practices such as the Friday abstinence from meat.</P><P>Devout Catholics everywhere will want to have on their bookshelf the storehouse of information contained in this new 11th edition which includes significant updates to the listings from the previous annual edition.</P>
