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About The Book
<p>Philosophy has strayed away from its main task of clarifying proprieties of pursuits in human- life and has got caught up in methodology logic and Linguistics. Too much hair-splitting is done about truth knowledge reality and language. Our main concerns should be Duty Beauty Piety and Complementarity. Substantial factors of fortuity and self-earned conditions are simply not considered in political philosophy. </p><p>Equality is too problematic to take it as an ethical principle. Justice is being over-emphasized than Non-violence and Prosperity (almost in vain). The disaster of scientific socialism had its roots in Marxian theory itself. Antagonistic radicalisms including radical feminism are deepening the problems than solving them. Scientism (Materialist reductionism) is under-cutting the very sense of Responsibility! Existentialist and Post-Modernist traditions are leading to nowhere and only generating despair and sense of meaninglessness. Deep-Ecology is becoming Anthropo-phobic and blocking Human progress. Religious dogmatisms and fundamentalisms cannot be fought with by merely refuting truth-claims of their beliefs. A non-supernatural spirituology will have to earn therapeutic success over the clutches of religions. </p><p>Any pair of required factors competing as well as complementary is a dialectical pair. Their balance has to be finely tuned and wisdom lies precisely there. One-sided thinking often destroys the balance and intensifies Evils. There is an eminent possibility of convergence towards universal humanist ethic and scope for common minimum program in spite of multitude of ethics. </p><p>In short there is a possibility of a constructive ameliorative and reconciliatory path for humanity at this juncture of human history.</p>