Pearl Harbor Volume Two Abiding Heart Tinder and Jason are back in Honolulu, determined to face the future...but an unexpected friend from Tinder's Hotel Street days turns their lives upside down. Now that Jason is home, safe from his horrific mission aboard the SS Malama, he and Tinder once again return to Honolulu to help in the rebuilding of Pearl Harbor. Jason, who faces a military tribunal on the fate of the cargo ship's lost crew members, suffers from traumatic nightmares as a result of his ordeal. Tinder, determined to nurture and protect his lover, is devastated when the truth of the crew's capture and Jason's dramatic escape is revealed. Determined to face the future with renewed determination and courage, the two men also soon learn that fate has some other new surprises in store for them. In the ensuing months of WWII Honolulu, Jason and Tinder grow closer and closer in spite of hate-and help-from unexpected quarters, their abiding hearts rediscover the meaning of aloha. Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series and contains a discussion of off-screen rape and torture. Avenging Heart World War Two brought them together...but a family's threat to take away Tinder and Jason's son, Christopher, could tear them apart. Avenging Heart, follows Jason and Tinder's adventures in Honolulu in 1947. The war is over, but the islands are slow to heal from the devastating ravages of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Jason and Tinder are part of the rebuilding effort. Tinder's stepmother is spearheading a growing movement of housewives who are keen to help their husbands bring home the bacon-it's a time of remembrance, hard work, fancy clothing, Tupperware and other intriguing new inventions. Tinder and Jason, the proud parents of their five-year old son, Christopher, are shattered when his birth mother's family challenges their legal adoption of the child. His mother, Melody, a former working prostitute on Hotel Street, had been murdered, her sins long buried...until now. The surprising discovery of her killer and the couple's desire, both for vengeance and to maintain the loving home Christopher has always known, make for nonstop twists and turns of Tinder's Avenging Heart.