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About The Book
This book “Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry- Theory” serves as an invaluable source designed to fulfil the long-term requirement of Pharm.D. first year students. It presents the subject in a lucid and comprehensive style rendering it ideal for students as a self-learning material. This book has been divided into 21 chapters covering the complete syllabus of Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry. The key feature of this book includes a simple and holistic approach with illustrations and tables.This book is presented with an aim to enable the students of Pharm.D. first year to easily grasp unfamiliar unacquainted and seemingly complicated concepts of Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry.This book mainly deals with fundamentals of Analytical chemistry and also the study of inorganic pharmaceuticals regarding their monographs and also the course deals with basic knowledge of analysis of various pharmaceuticals.Upon completion of the course student shall be able to:a. understand the principles and procedures of analysis of drugs and also regardingthe application of inorganic pharmaceuticals;b. appreciate the importance of inorganic pharmaceuticals in preventing and curingthe disease.