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About The Book
This book of poems written by a Caribbean writer Israfil Sahibdeenis based on personal physical experiences as well as theexperiences of close friends although a few poems are based onspirituality. Jesus Call Us Again? We Are One? just to name a few.The poem ?Abortion Satan?s Way? Women have the right to makedecisions about their own bodies. Fetuses prior to viability donot have the rights until it is old enough to have rights of itsown. Luke: 1 41-44 ? If a baby dies before it is born- as in anabortion ? the woman who conceived it is still a Mother? The poem?Peace? Peace starts with the individual. The mission of peace isto inspire and empower people around the world to be more at peacewith themselves and others. Many lives have been lost in the nameof peace. The poems found in this book makes good reading and canbe an inspiration not only for poets but for those in the area ofliterature.