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About The Book
Parenting - the one word that is guaranteed to frighten many people. It is a very risky endeavor. You are in control of someones life after all. It is an undeniable fact that parenting is a difficult task. There are just so many things to worry about for the initial 18 years.What if he doesnt do well in school? What if my son starts doing drugs? What do I do if my daughter doesnt go to sleep when I tell her to? What do I do if my son becomes rebellious?These are the questions that all parents know so well. Worse still parents wonder if they have been good parents for their child. Thats not to say anything about whether the children will ever get a job get married or show their parents their grandchildren.There are so many things to worry about. Parenting seems so very complex because parents are given control of a persons life. That is not an insignificant responsibility. Thankfully parenting does not have to be as complicated as you think.Raising good children who then grow up to be fulfilled individuals is considered to be a significant achievement. You can one-up anyone at a party by telling them about how great your children are. That is something you can be proud of. The only problem is the early phase the initial 18 years or so of your childrens life that determines the person they will become. How do you approach this problem?What if someone were to tell you that there is a way to raise children without all the fuss and other parenting problems that you are already too familiar with? There is a solution that has been shown by many scientific studies to have powerful positive and permanent psychological effects on children.Intrigued? All the answers you need are right here in this book.