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About The Book
<div> <p> Maggie Johnson had heard of those poor people that had suffered from some horrible near death experience like all of us. She never realized that was just the tip of the iceberg. There were those that came back from a very brief look across the veil of death that were relatively unchanged. And then there were those like her. She still only remembered the smallest portion but was now no longer human but something else something more. Maggie still looked human on the outside still felt and remembered everything she had been but now there was this driving force in her to no longer sit on the sidelines and watch as life passed her by. </p> <br/> <br/> <p> That all consuming fire would not just change Maggie's body but her heart mind and soul as well. She was the newest child of the Progeny of Lazarus. He may have been the first recorded human to be brought back from the dead but he was certainly not the last. Their mission; to help nohus as they call us their loving phrase which is short for normal humans and fight horrible battles as they tried to keep the tide of darkness from reaching the innocent. </p> <br/></div>