<p>This <strong>current version</strong> of the Ranger Handbook is a guide for the <strong>U.S. Army Rangers</strong>, a globally elite military unit. The techniques herein have been tried and trued during hundreds of years of American warfare, and are guaranteed to be the best in the world.</p><p>Topics include <strong>how to lead</strong> and decide under stress, motivate individuals, and manage teams. Military scouting, fighting, ambushing, and modern urban warfare, such as building entry and sniper operations are explained in detail.</p><p><strong>Fieldcraft </strong>such as concealment, first aid, navigation, and finding food and water are also covered. Moreover, there is practical information on mountain climbing, tactical use of explosives, navigating rivers, and aerial maneuvers such as parachute insertions and helicopter-based assaults.</p><p>In <strong>simple language</strong>, the Ranger Handbook gives practical ways to conduct warfare and win. Not for the weak or fainthearted.</p>