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About The Book
<p><strong>Real Divas Win </strong>is an anthology project a movement of women releasing launching and declaring the promises of God in their lives by exposing hidden stories of faith sacrifice victory.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Author Speaker + Entrepreneur Tiffany A. Green-Hood</strong> compiles another Volume of <strong>Real Divas Win Anthology Volume #3</strong>. Tiffany is a firm believer in the healing and releasing of everything that has been a threat to what you were placed on this earth for. In another volume of Real Divas Win women are releasing once again <strong>stories of Faith Sacrifice + Victory</strong>. Tiffany firmly believes that no matter how bad the situation is if you have survived it save a life and tell your story. </p><p><br></p><p>The goal of <strong>Real Divas Win</strong>:</p><ul><li>allow women to release stories of trauma sickness healing etc.</li><li>give women an opportunity to release what's been holding them back for years</li><li>position yourself for healing and deliverance from what was designed to destroy you</li><li>to ultimately give God (Jesus) all the glory &amp; honor for this assignment to save lives</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong style=color: rgba(40 40 40 1)>Real Divas Win </strong><span style=color: rgba(40 40 40 1)>features a collaboration of women and their captivating stories. God gave me Real Divas Win to highlight amazing stories women have lived through no matter how difficult they came out winning. In this book our stories have the ability to inspire uplift and empower. As I looked over my life I realized that I had conquered more than I ever imagined. The purpose of this book is to change lives and give the world an amazing voice of hope like never before.&nbsp;</span></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Reviews</strong></p><p><span style=color: rgba(15 17 17 1)>The book was a great read with powerful stories. It takes you through the journey of several women outlining their struggles and how they were able to overcome obstacles hurt &amp; pain to come out on top. The ladies in the book are all winners. Thank you for sharing your stories!</span></p><p><strong><em>~Shelena Cook</em></strong></p><p><br></p><p><span style=color: rgba(15 17 17 1)>Well written!!! I felt myself being in every story We as women gave so many untold stories but somehow we keep pushing. Reading this helps to let you know we all struggle with something and in the end with faith you will be able to overcome life struggles. ??????????</span></p><p><strong><em>~Karen Love</em></strong></p><p><br></p><p><span style=color: rgba(15 17 17 1)>Awesome! Vol.2- I'm looking forward to it. You're such an inspiration! I love listening to your newsfeed videos so honest and uplifting!!!</span></p><p><strong style=color: rgba(15 17 17 1)><em>~Ethel Cooper-Allen</em></strong></p><p><br></p><p><strong style=color: rgba(15 17 17 1)>About the Author</strong></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Author Tiffany A. Green-Hood</strong> is a dynamic insightful and diligent influencer-driven by an infectious enthusiasm for creativity. Tiffany is an astute <strong><em>Literary Wealth Strategist author speaker + publisher</em></strong>. Tiffany diligently continues to coach authors through Instagram Periscope Twitter and across social media since 2007. She is the pioneer and Founder of the brand for authors <strong>Black Writer's Space </strong>where she authentically has built a community of authors. Since then Tiffany has discovered more ways to touch lives educate people and give the world a better insight into soulful living through publishing. Tiffany is the <strong>CEO of TA MEDIA &amp; PRODUCTIONS LLC (TA MEDIA + Co.) in Dallas Texas </strong>where she continues to exclusively coach + publish best-selling authors successfully. </p><p><br></p><p><strong>www.publishyourbooktoday.info</strong></p>