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About The Book
Rebel in High Heels is a memoir about Dr. Charlotte Laws-the Erin Brockovich of revenge porn-who was voted one of the 30 fiercest women in the world. She fought a dangerous war against the most hated man on the Internet to protect her daughter and other victims. She was bombarded with death threats and computer viruses and targeted by a stalker who appeared at her home. But who is this woman that MSNBC calls a hero? In addition to detailing her gripping revenge porn fight this book chronicles the first 22 years of Laws life. Her adoptive mother committed suicide her little brother was killed and her fathers only comment was he wished it had been her. Laws first boyfriend was pop idol Tom Jones. She has hobnobbed with the rich and famous. Though not born with VIP access she taught herself how to gate-crash any event anywhere anytime. Rebel in High Heels details Laws intriguing-sometimes scandalous-encounters with Bill Cosby and other stars. At age 20 Laws earned 300k per year as a Las Vegas chip-chatter. She also worked as a bandit cab driver a backup singer for an Elvis imitator and bodyguard for a prostitute. Laws-a former Southern California politician and weekly NBC commentator-has appeared on The Late Show Fox News Oprah Nightline CNN Dr. Drew and Larry King Live. She has a Ph.D. in Social Ethics as well as two Masters degrees and two BAs. Her articles have been published in The Huffington Post The Los Angeles Times Newsweek Jezebel Salon and the L.A. Daily News. Rebel in High Heels is mostly about perseverance and looking beyond oneself. It is about fighting for ones dreams while striving to better the world. Laws is the little Atlanta girl who could. And did. __________ Dr. Charlotte Laws became the Erin Brockovich of revenge porn. - CBS News Never underestimate a former Buckhead debutante. -The Atlanta Journal-Constitution This book is two for the price of one. Rebel in High Heels provides a gripping account of Charlotte Laws dangerous battle against revenge porn. But it also details Laws roller-coaster early years: dating a superstar dealing with suicide hobnobbing with celebrities fighting racism and being thrust into the glitzy world of sex for sale. By following Laws bold life-crashing adventures the reader learns how to become a rebel and a relentless advocate for victims. This memoir is about persistence leading an active life and helping others. Laws invents her own recipe for success. She reveals her secrets in this mesmerizing tell-all book tidbit by tasty tidbit. - Every Way Woman Show I didnt realize how brave Charlotte Laws is until I see her in action. -The Guardian Charlotte Laws singlehandedly dismantled the empire of pure evil that earned Hunter Moore the title of Most Hated Man on the Internet. -MSNBC Charlotte Laws... a very appropriate last name. Trying to get laws passed in a number of states. -Fox News If you care about women you need this book. Charlotte Laws is the Erin Brockovich of revenge porn and she will change your life just like she changed mine. Buy this for your daughters your sisters your mother and yourself. - Mandy Stadtmiller deputy editor xojane I am glad that Charlotte is sharing her story in writing this book. It is important that we educate people about revenge porn and the devastating effects on victims.-Senator Anthony Cannella California In spite of the risks Laws took up the sword. -YES! Magazine When Charlotte gets something in mind nothing can stop her...She has embarked upon lots of activities in her life but with one purpose: to fight for her beliefs. -Stylist Magazine