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About The Book
This Special Issue of Minerals presents recent select studies that highlight advances in the fields of hydro- and biohydrometallurgy. It aims to attract the interest of readers and especially of young scientists and students in this fascinating scientific discipline. The topics addressed include the following: - Stirred reactor and heap leaching of laterites (limonitic and saprolitic) as well as iron control during atmospheric acid leaching; - Leaching of a typical porphyry copper sulfide deposit from Antofagasta Chile using chloride-ferrous solutions; - Leaching of chalcopyrite ores with various leaching media; - Leaching of white metal from a Teniente converter in NaCl-H2SO4 media; - Study of the galvanic effect of pyrite and arsenopyrite during the leaching of gold ores; - Leaching of marine nodules in the presence of reducing agents to extract Mn; - Bioleaching of gold ores in the presence of iodide-oxidizing bacteria; - A two-step sequential leaching process involving bioleaching and chemical leaching to treat apatite ores containing P and U impurities; - Bioreductive dissolution of iron minerals present in monazite in stirred reactors using Acidithiobacillus (A.) species; - Heap leaching of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash (MSWI BA) for the recovery of Zn and Cu.