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About The Book
<p><strong>You CAN Achieve Your Goals!</strong></p><p><strong>Twelve marathons in twelve months might sound like a lot of running but that&rsquo;s the goal educator speaker husband and dad Adam Welcome set for himself in 2017. Some people thought he was crazy. Plenty of people told him it couldn&rsquo;t be done. Adam ignored the naysayers and dug deep within himself to find the resolve to cross all those finish lines. </strong></p><p><strong>It was hard. It was thrilling. It was worth every mile! </strong></p><p><strong>In Run Like a Pirate Adam shares the mindset and tactics necessary for accomplishing big dreams. You don&rsquo;t have to be a runner or even an athlete to be inspired by this power-filled book. Whatever your personal or professional goals are Adam&rsquo;s example and encouragement will challenge you to set your sights on something bigger and to push yourself to get more out of life. &nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Set your goal. Believe in yourself. And get started today. </strong></p><p><strong>Run Like a Pirate . . . and win! </strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&ldquo;This is the tush kicking you need to make your goals happen and to know that you have a choice in taking care of yourself&mdash;physically and emotionally.&rdquo;</strong></p><p><strong>&mdash;LaVonna Roth creator and founder of Ignite Your S.H.I.N.E.&reg;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&ldquo;Adam&rsquo;s Run Like a Pirate reminds us that we have all we need inside to reach whatever podium we want to climb; we just have to focus on some of the simple ways to bring it to the surface.&rdquo;</strong></p><p><strong>&mdash;Steve Mesler Olympic gold medalist CEO of Classroom Champions</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&ldquo;Run Like a Pirate is a master class in motivation mindset and mental/physical endurance for educators and fitness enthusiasts alike.&rdquo;</strong></p><p><strong>&mdash;Weston Kieschnick bestselling author of Bold School senior fellow International Center for Leadership in Education</strong></p>