Curated by Saturday AM, this inaugural edition of the Annual series is the ultimate version of the eponymously titled digital magazine. Presenting exclusive stories and art from some of the world’s most exciting young comics creators in an epic collection, Saturday AM Annual presents even more diverse manga. The new short story for Orisha, one of Saturday AM’s hottest series, features one of the first all-African shonen by a Nigerian artist. He’s joined by artists from Ghana, Greece, the United States, and more who were all discovered by Saturday AM via their annual March Art Madness art contest or their #SummerofManga short story competition. Contents: ·Orisha by Zayf, a new, original short story from the world of Orisha, exclusive to Saturday AM Annual ·MMWOG: Judge Joker by Marinos Basiadakis, an exciting spinoff from Saturday AM’sMassively Multiplayer World of Ghosts ·Animale by Philippa Borman ·Interview with the artists of March Art Madness 2022 ·Benedict Nick the Phenomenal Brick by @nathq_art ·The Enemy of Crime by Lord Kotodwe ·False Hoods by @effessart ·Interview with Summer of Manga alumni creators ·The road to Saturday Wars—discover what’s to come from the biggest crossover in manga with the multiverse of Saturday AMSaturday AM Annual 2023 is your ticket to witness some incredible new talents!Find even more diverse manga-inspired comics with the Saturday AM TANKS, which collect Saturday AM’s comics in graphic novel format.The Saturday AM TANKS series include:Apple Black, Clock Striker, Gunhild, Hammer, Henshin!, The Massively Multiplayer World of Ghosts, Oblivion Rouge, Saigami, Soul Beat, Titan King, Underground, and Yellow Stringer.