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About The Book
War is not romantic. It is bleeding and dying and holding a lifeless comrade in your arms. It is storming a beach through a hail of bullets. It isfighter planes spiraling from the sky and Americans being taken captive. In <i>Scars of War</i> author Marilyn Swinson tells true and often horrifyingstories of war.<p>Based on one-on-one interviews with more than forty veterans all members of the Combat Airmen/Joshua's Troops of Mayodan North Carolina Swinson brings the narratives to lifeas the soldiers relay a variety of war experiences: a soldier aboard a ship moored at Pearl Harbor on that fateful December morning when Japanesebombs rained fire from the sky and a seventeen-year-old young man forced to endure the horrors of the Bataan Death March only to face three and ahalf years of torture and deprivation in Japanese concentration camps. A pilot lives to fly again after his plane hits the ground traveling three hundred miles per hour igniting sixteen thousand pounds of jet fuel. A battle-weary Marine finally sees Old Glory raised on Iwo Jima.<p><i>Scars of War</i> provides a firsthand account of the pathos and pageantry of war from those who survived.