Serious Relationships and the Bloom of Youth-Are They Compatible?


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About The Book

Dear Friend The bloom of youth years are the most critical time for you when many changes mentally emotionally and physically come together like that of an emotional thunderstorm and no doubt becomes difficult to digest. Its like taking a whole pizza topped with your favorite sausage or pepperoni melted perfectly into that extra cheese and eating it whole rather then digesting one piece at a time. To illustrate what would happen to a forthcoming butterfly going through its changing process in its cocoon if the developing process was interrupted? It would struggle to survive and eventually die. The change of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly can take several months. The bloom of youth stage can take several years. I see the bloom of youth years as a process similar to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. During the caterpillars confinement in its chrysalis all appears quiet on the outside but there are a lot of changes going on inside that we can not see. Like young teen adults everything appears to be fine on the outside but there are many changes going on inside during the final stage to becoming an adult that you personally must experience. I feel the bloom of youth years are the most critical and most awesome contribution to the success of becoming a mature and responsible adult. Sincerely Patricia Jane Behling
