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About The Book
Separated from her companions and abducted Alizhan is delivered back to Laalvur right into Iriyats clutches. Iriyat has tightened her hold on the city in Alizhans absence magically manipulating the other Council members and further charming the public. No one believes her capable of plotting an experiment that could destroy cities. All alone what hope does Alizhan have to convince Laalvur of the truth? Half a world away Ev and Thiyo are adrift at sea. In the wake of their monstrous encounter they receive an unlikely rescue but neither of them emerges from the water unharmed. They must survive to warn the world of what Iriyat is planning--and to find Alizhan before its too late. As Iriyats plans come to fruition how far will Alizhan Ev and Thiyo go to defeat her?