"“She is Significant” is based on a woman's life journey through puberty, adolescence, reproductive age, climacteric time, and the elderly years. This book is dedicated to entire womanhood because “SHE IS SIGNIFICANT”. The book will be written in 4 volumes. The first volume " I am Entering My Teens" is written keepingin mind the young adolescent girls who are entering or have entered their teens. These girls are completely unaware of the physical and mental changes in their bodies once they approach puberty, especially menstruation, vaginal hygiene, fitness, nutrition, etc. At the same time not only do they undergo a physical transformation, but their mind also changes. Some teens go into depression, some may land up in adolescent pregnancy, and there is no awareness of STDs or birth control methods. Teens might get violent at times and end up in substance abuse. All these topics are talked about in great depth, in simple, easy-to-understand language for teens. Sensible solutions and valuable suggestions have been provided at every point so that there is no delay in initiating self-management. This book will be a boon for parents, especially mothers, as not only the teens but their mothers also have to be very patient in handling their young girls. They should understand that being aggressive towards their children won't help at this stage of life."