Short Story Press Presents Sandy's Mended Heart
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About The Book

This story follows Sandy a 19-year-old woman as she makes the difficult transition from living in an insular religious community to outside life in a college town. Sandy struggles with: - Living alone when she has always been surrounded by a close family; - Meeting different types of people when she has always been in a small community; - Making her way with new people who dont think or act like those at home--she has to figure out how they think and what they actually mean by what they say and how they act; - Meeting men who live and work in environments - a college campus a military base--that are the total opposites of the community she has known all her life; - Dealing with her need to find love and hopefully a marriage in a new world without the guidelines of her strict community or the oversight of her family; - Falling in love with a man who is so totally different from her father brothers cousins and all the men she has known in her life and in fact is a soldier someone whom her pacifist religious community would find totally unacceptable; - Finding a church home and a place where she can live with her strong religious convictions even though she does not totally accept the limitations of her original church; - Coping with love and loss putting lessons of forgiveness into practice and picking up the pieces of a broken heart without becoming bitter.Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.
