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About The Book
If someone had told me years ago that I was going to write a book I would have told them that they were crazy! For years Ive been writing down my deepest thoughts and emotions with absolutely no plans of exposing them to the public. These writings act as short stories that chronicle my lifes experiences. These testimonies are emotional some of them are spiritual some of them funny some painful and some of them even deal with lifes lessons that I had to struggle with on my own. There would be times when my closest friends would share their secrets with me and because I felt deeply moved from what they shared I would put myself in their shoes and try to find a better way of resolving the issue. Some of these encounters have even frustrated me so deeply that I would have absolutely no choice but to write them down just to get them off my chest. My purpose is to inspire motivate and encourage those who want to make a difference or those who need another chance to make it right. Every occurrence has allowed me to grow and be stretched in directions beyond explanation. I enjoy writing poetry that every one can relate to. These are more then just some words scribbled down on paper. These are experiences and stories that I would like to share publicly. I understand that any artistic expression may be subject to scrutiny. This book is a reflection of me and anyone who can relate to it in some form or fashion. Its for those who believe in the power of words and their ability to teach minister and heal.