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About The Book
I was the misfit sitting in the heart of Nigeria donning a brightly coloured wrapper and blouse but experiencing an irreparable loss. The Indian movies of my childhood and youth hadn t prepared me for this. . Derived from the experiences of both an insider and an outsider the intricate stories of Soulmates chart journeys of love friendship despair daily negotiations and strategies for survival while exploring the physical and spiritual aspects of being transplanted to a foreign country of living with fluid roots. . Yoking two cultures the Indian and the Nigerian they take us into the sphere of symbols and nuances of speech into a world fraught with seams viscerally familiar yet fascinating in its differences. . Speaking in a distinct meditative voice and employing the dual vision of the insider outsider Kanchana Ugbabe inspires us to remember who we truly are. . Strong well-crafted narratives from an exciting and original voice These inspiring stories are derived from experiences of being an insider and outsider at the same time