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About The Book
<p style=text-align:justify;text-justify:inter-ideograph;>Spaceports &amp; Spidersilk features science fiction and fantasy for everyone. &nbsp;It presents adventures on other planets and in imaginary worlds. &nbsp;Inside these pages you'll find magic and strange friends and even a ghost or two.</p><p style=text-align:justify;text-justify:inter-ideograph;>Editor Marcie Tentchoff says: &nbsp;I have never made a secret of my love of all things speculative from fantasy to science fiction from wand-waving wizards to blaster-brandishing space brigands. I love magic adventure strange creatures and otherworldly situations.</p><p style=text-align:justify;>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Now like many people across Earth I find myself living in one of those otherworldly almost science fictional situations. The thing is although I don't have access to strange alien tech or magical items that might help me make everything instantly right again I do have a background in <em>reading&nbsp;</em>about similar scenarios. &nbsp;And I know from my reading that there is always hope that things do get better and that there will always be heroes who step up to <em>make&nbsp;</em>things better.&nbsp;</p>