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About The Book
My intention in writing this book is to share the intimacies of my heart leading up to a personal powerful and life-changing experience of Gods unconditional love. First for the clergy and teachers of faith this book is given to you for the benefit of those who are in your care and second yet foremost for those who have been surpressing pain within their own and often times repressed experience. My hope is that in sharing my struggle to let God be God and do what God does best namely to love those who will come to Him with all of their brokenness and need that you too may come closer to peace in your own life. Can you find identity in one of these groups? * Those who have been hurt by fear and insecurity based upon a harshly taught understanding of Gods law without real knowledge of His love; * Those having sadly experienced divorce and the guilt coming from that failure with its painful confusion what really happened; * Catholic women practicing what is termed by the Catholic Church as as artificial birth control and its affect on their peace of mind; * Those troubled by the Catholic Churchs requirement of integral sacramental confession as the only ordinary means of receiving forgivness for sin; * Protestants and Evangelicals counting on Baptism alone apart from any growth in personal righteousness as affecting their eternal reality. Did you find yourself listed above? Today there are many who are under spiritual oppression and needlessly suffering separation from real knowledge of Gods unconditional love for them. The question everyone needs to answer is this can I receive Gods mercy and love and can I return that love to Him? This capacity is evidence of and at the very heart of salvation!