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About The Book
Sports Dentistry (SD) involves the prevention maintenance and treatment of oral and facial injuries as well as the collection and dissemination of information on dental trauma in addition to stimulating research. Unfortunately the benefits provided by physical activity are associated with the risk of injury including hard and soft tissue trauma. Contact sport athletes have up to 10% more probability of suffering orofacial injury when compared to non-practitioners and 33-56% risk of suffering a facial injury during his career. Actions to raise awareness of the importance of oral health in athletes as well as the need to use shields which also minimizes maxillofacial injuries provide a brief return to sports activities in case of fractures are needed. India has world class dental clinics with highly recommended dentists. Enthusiastic participation by the young ones in sports exposes them to high risk of injuries. Sports dentistry provides information related to dental/ facial trauma or when a tooth is knocked out or about athletic mouth guard types and designs.