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About The Book
Are you a first-generation low-income student? Do you know an FLI student who is college bound or currently in college? Are you in a role to support FLI students such as an advisor dean or professor? As universities focus on increasing diversity on campus they miss the mark on actually providing first-generation low-income and other minority students with the tools that they need to succeed in college. Spread Your Wings and FLI: How to Effectively Navigate College as a First-Generation Low-Income Student is chock full of inspiration and actionable resources FLI students need to be successful in college and prepare for life after their undergraduate experience. Inside this book you will learn: What faculty/advisors/professors today can do to further support the development of FLI students. How FLI allies can help advocate for the resources FLI students need.How FLI identity intersects with other marginalized identity types.Who are successful FLI students? Michelle Obama Ana McCullough Patrick Jamal Elliott Nathalie Molina Niño and Jeffrey Garcia to name a few. As an FLI student youll come away from Spread Your Wings and FLI empowered with the tools resources community and confidence to successfully navigate your undergraduate experience and thrive.