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About The Book
The immensely valuable book of Previous Years’ Papers (Solved) has been specially published for the aspirants of SSC–Combined Graduate Level (CGL) TIER-I Exam. The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to improve their problem solving skills speed and accuracy and help them prepare well by practising through these papers to face the exam with Confidence Successfully. The book comprises several Solved Previous Years’ Papers which will prove extremely useful for aspirants to be familiar with the current exam pattern the type of questions asked and their answers. The book will serve well both as practice material & a true test of your studies and preparation with several Actual Exam Papers. All the questions have been solved by respective subject-experts with some selected explanatory answers. To understand the recent trends of exam the book serves the purpose perfectly well. While the sole aim of publishing this book is Paving the Way to your Success your own intelligent study and practice in harmony with this will definitely ensure you Success in your pursuit.