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About The Book
<ul><li>Kiran Publication is one of the most renowned and largest Competitive Exam book publisher in India.</li><li>Publishing under our own high-flying trademark we have positioned ourselves as a credible name among the competitive exam publishers and readers all over India.</li><li>As a publisher a great responsibility is entrusted on us by time to shape the intellect of the people generate productive thoughts and offer avenues of knowledge which will ensure a flourishing future for all.</li><li>Books are not merely a business for us but a way of life destination of enterprise and the origin of our inspirations.</li><li>We stepped into the publishing sector in 1965 as a partnership firm and have never looked behind since then.</li><li>It wouldn’t be gainsay if we state the fact that we have achieved many a milestone in the path of progress.</li><li>It is a right choice for all those students who are searching jobs in Banking Staff Selection Commission Railways MPSC GPSC BPSC Upcoming Exams Engineering Insurance Police State PCS Teaching UPSC State SSC PSAT Defence etc.</li></ul>