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About The Book
E. Franklin Evans had watched every war movie John Wayne evermade sometimes several times over. When the Duke led his menwar was exciting and heroes were made as they ruggedly fought andpredictably won each battle. But when Evans' high school friendand real-life hero Glenn was killed in Vietnam war became real andpersonal for Evans and he felt a tremendous obligation to thebuddy who gave his life in that faraway jungle.</P>At the tender age of nineteen Evans voluntarily enlisted in the U.S.Army and left for basic training in early December of 1966. Beforelong he was deeply entrenched in a treacherous war far removedfrom his innocent and carefree youth. He had to learn not only tosurvive but also to muster the bravery to lead others in combat ashe was thrust from adolescence into adulthood.</P>It has taken Evans more than thirty-five years to begin to heal thephysical and emotional wounds that kept him from sharing hisintensely personal story. From his depiction of the picturesqueaerial view of Cam Rahn Bay to that of the barbed wire metalplanking and squat huts housing weapons of death anddestruction Evans's <i>Stand To .</I>provides a vividly detailed glimpseinto what it was like to become a man on the battlefields ofVietnam.