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About The Book
<p>You close the regulator and bring the heavy Ferguson velosteam to a halt. &nbsp;From the crest of the hill you can see the lumbering freight wagons and the steam carriages of the gentry making their way through the rain-lashed night. &nbsp;Little do they expect the sudden and terrible assault of the Steam Highwayman&hellip;</p><p>What next for you? &nbsp;A midnight attack on the nobles travelling the Bath Road? &nbsp;Will you rescue the Wethered Brewery from closure or punish the&nbsp;wicked Colonel&nbsp;Snappet? &nbsp;Will you ally with the Compact for Workers&#39; Equality or find work protecting hauliers on the Wycombe run? &nbsp;Is trading cargo on the Thames more than a profitable sideline? &nbsp;Can you make your way to the glamorous Cliveden Ball or win the Spenser Cup?</p><p>Steam Highwayman is an open-world adventure gamebook series in which you the reader must choose your path through an alternate Steampunk history. &nbsp;With a pair of dice and a pencil you can track your adventure through an England that never was discovering secrets solving quests rescuing those in need and punishing those who deserve vengeance. &nbsp;The midnight road calls!</p>