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About The Book
Hello my name is Philip R. Richards the author of this book.I suppose you want to know something about the word smith thatcreated these writings. Oh this is my friend Harry pictured withme. He has passed now but he will always be in our hearts.I was born in 1959 I enjoy photography and the natural world.I married a wonderful woman in 1983 and had two beautifuldaughters Hannah and Allison. I am blessed with a wonderfulGranddaughter named Lillian Jade. We live in the Michiganthe winter wonderland. It is a beautiful state with much to explore.I discovered that I really enjoyed writing. Mostly I feel a need towrite to express how I view different aspects of life and to try torelate to other people with similar visions and view points.Writing is a great way to express your feelings and create anavenue between you and those around you.I hope you can relate to what I have written in this bookmaybe enough to get Book II when I get around to it.