"He was fresh out of Prison and she had just finished High School and their story begins.. People find it hard to believe that we could giveaway gifts that were/are worth alot of money.. You have to know the whole story of each, to fitall the pieces togeather, just to understand them.. Robin and the Hood, have been doing their gifting,of the artworks created by John A. Knowles, for many years, never wanting anything in return.. She Robin, had done no wrong in life to have to pay the world back for her sins, she had no sins. He, the Hood, had done so many things wrong,that he could never pay the world back enough.. They never sold one piece of his artworks, nor will they ever sell a piece, to him his art is not for sale, his talent is a gift from the Heavens.. It is the artist's belief, that, ""If I never sell my Art, then how much is it worth? ""Priceless""?"