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About The Book
The Daniel Fast is essentially a spiritual exercise with numerous health benefits. With millions of Christians across the globe partaking in this fast every year especially in the month of January there is need for sound doctrinal teaching on the fast. This type of teaching will incorporate the dual nature of the fast which includes spiritual and health benefits. Jesus instructs us as his followers to fast. As an international corporate fast the Daniel Fast is the best way of fulfilling our masters instruction. Due to its health benefits the Daniel Fast is suitable for people who are diabetic hypertensive and obese. This book provides valuable information on how these people can partake in the fast without compromising their health. Even the elderly and teenagers are given special consideration. Most importantly this book gives a special focus on Christian doctrinal bases of the Daniel Fast. This book therefore is for those who want to experience the words of Christ in John 10:10 I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance. This book by Dr. Maseko introduces new theological insights into fasting and obedience to God. His assertion that since eating was the original sin of disobedience abstaining from food is a means of physical and spiritual restoration for those in Christ is an area for further debate by Bible scholars. . . . This book will go a long way in promoting a healthy lifestyle thus assisting in reducing non-communicable diseases. --Ray Billa pastor at Tshepisong Ministries and medical doctor at Helen Joseph Hospital How refreshing to find a scientist who not only believes there is divine power but uses the skills God gave him to educate others on how the bridge between science and spirituality can be built. In my line of work as an emergency department medical officer it is refreshing to be able to share with patients (both young and old) and colleagues literature that shows that the future of medicine is not in resisting all other beliefs but in putting it all together for the good of our patients. A fantastic read! --Rainy Dube medical doctor and clinical lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand The Daniel Fast is an incisive piece of writing relevant for this and future generations of the Christian faith. All friends of God stand to benefit from the combination of scientific and spiritual wisdom contained in the exposition of both the physical and spiritual benefits of the Daniel kind of fasting. I endorse this book without any shadow of doubt. Read on and grow your faith. --Keoth Patrice Xolani Mlambo Pastor at Upon the Hill International Church Dr. Muzi Maseko is a lecturer and a cardiovascular research scientist at the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School in South Africa. He is also a pastor at Holiness Union Church. He has a number of degrees including a Master of Science in Medicine and a Doctorate in Physiology. He studied theology at the Baptist Theological College. Besides this book he has authored many scientific publications.