The Ferns (Filicales)


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About The Book

Excerpt from The Ferns (Filicales) Treated Comparatively With a View to Their Natural Classification. Incidentally the composition of the book on Tke Orzgzzz ofa Laud Flam demonstrated that the facts and methods current at the opening of the present century could not suffice for any full evolutionary treatment of the Class ofthe Filicales. Not only were further details necessary for an adequate comparison of Eusporangiate Ferns but more particularly the tangled problem of the evolutionary lines of the Leptosporangiate Ferns was still too obscure in 1908 for any coherent treatment. Their phyletic relations were hardly more than hinted at in the Land Flam pending further research. It was necessary in the first instance to widen the basis of comparison by the introduction of new criteria each treated critically so as to distinguish archaic features from those held to be of more recent origin. The conclusions thus attained were checked so far as possible accordingto the palaeontological evidence. The results of such study were first published in a series of Memoirs I — VIII in the Annals of Bozcmy (1910 and these supplied the material for Vol. I of this work. In Vol. II the phyletic method based on this wider comparison was applied to the relatively primitive Ferns: while the present Volume aims at a like phyletic treatment of the great mass of advanced Leptosporangiate F erns....
