The First of Her Kind


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About The Book

Mara Moseley's decision to study auto mechanics threw a monkey wrench into the engine of her life. Her sisters say going to a vocational high school is beneath her. Mara had expected to be welcomed by the guys in her shop class with open arms--in fact she'd worried that those arms might be a little too open. But to her consternation the guys in shop look at her as a lemon.</p><p>Why? Why? Why? Mara's reflection in the mirror assures her she is a pretty shapely girl. Of course her shop coveralls disguise the shapely part but there's nothing she can do nothing she wants to do about being a girl.</p><p>Nobody seems to approve of her goals her choices her self! Her path is filled with roadblocks: hostile teachers zero social life a friend's pregnancy. Mara has a great big headache. How is she going to recharge her batteries and hold true to her course?</p><p>This book will inspire teenage girls to pursue learning in male-dominated fields.<br>--Frances Taormina former librarian Norman Thomas High School NYC</p><p>...Realistic situations that are as up-to-date as the news.<br>--Gerry Lockard Adjunct Lecturer Queensboro Community College NYC</p><p>A great read!<br>--Mary E. Kennedy parent of 5th and 9th grade girls</p>
