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About The Book
Moving overseas--whether as a missionary diplomat military member or an international businessperson--can be enriching professionally and personally. Those with dependent children however need to carefully consider the opportunities and options for their childrens education. The Globally Mobile Familys Guide to Educating Children Overseas is the tool parents and the organizations who send them need to make informed and intentional decisions about childrens education internationally. After an introductory chapter that overviews some benefits and challenges of global living the second chapter focuses on intentional planning based on the individual familys educational goals and values. Identifying aspirations and values can guide parents in making educational choices in the global setting. Other chapters describe various options that may be available in locations where expatriates live and work and discuss advantages potential limitations and factors to consider for each. The book also includes thoughts on special educational needs transitions between options and other issues that are crucial to the success of an international assignment. The Globally Mobile Familys Guide to Education Children Overseas is research-based but accessibly written for parents who are not education experts. Those who want to explore more deeply will find references and recommendations for further information.