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About The Book
I didnt come to the abandoned hospital where my crew and I stashed two million dollars worth ofdiamonds to spend the night flirting with a hot young cutie-pie. But here we are.I really like Amanda and I feel bad about lying to her.But if I can distract her long enough to grab the diamonds itll be time well spent.If Im very lucky Ill end the night in her bed too.Theres just one problem. My second-in-command has decided its his time to take over the crew and hes come with his brother to hunt me through this maze-like complex.Yes Ive got a guide; but since they captured Amandas old cameraman Chad so do they.And unlike me they have working guns. The worlds hottest ghost hunter and I will have to combine our wits skills and resources and figure out how to trust each other. Otherwise the hot ending to Halloween nightthat were both gunning for will turn into a bloody ending instead.