The plot revolves around a group of ten individuals, including the Bellman, the Baker, the Banker, the Barrister, the Billiard-marker, the Boots, the Broker, the Butcher, the Beaver, and the Bonnet-maker. Together, they set sail on a ship called the "Snark" in search of the Snark, a creature whose nature is undefined. Throughout the poem, the group encounters various adventures and challenges. They face dangerous and mysterious creatures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and experience moments of confusion and doubt. The Snark remains elusive and difficult to define, leading to philosophical contemplations and existential questions. Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" is known for its complex and layered themes, combining elements of nonsense, logic, mathematics, and satire. It has been interpreted in various ways, with some suggesting that the Snark represents an intangible and unattainable goal or desire. The poem is characterized by Carroll's unique style of writing, with rhythmic verses and inventive language. It showcases his talent for creating imaginative worlds and engaging readers of all ages with his clever and playful storytelling. "The Hunting of the Snark" continues to be celebrated for its literary value, and it remains a popular work among Carroll enthusiasts, fans of nonsense literature, and those interested in the Victorian era's literary and cultural context.