The Lady At The Chennai Platform is a tragic-comedy with a narrative story which reveals the true love of the inter-religious concepts. It denotes firstly, the platonic love, harmony co-operation, compassion, brother-hood and tolerance among the different strata of the Society and its vice versa-hate, differences, selfishness, revenge, conspiracy, brawl, undue hue and cry of the anti-social miscreants. It deals with the human behavioural intuitions. The story denotes the duality amongst all the states of human existence as love and hate, vice and virtue, goodness and meanness, selfishness and benevolence, greediness and prepetition, resentment and forgiveness, extrovert and introvert etc. The total story revolves around the protogonist charactersMrs. Rehana Rajiv Nandan Tripathi and mother Chinnamma: vice versa-antagonist characters Kasim, Ramjanam Mishra Mangtani and Ranga Verghese. There is an unique synthesis of the strong bonding’s among The Hinduism, The Mohammadism and The Christianity. Love is the base of this creation and the only divine element in all creatures. The true affection is a divine element of self-realization which is beyond the description. The sectarian of all sects surrender themselves before the stream of true love. At last, the love supersedes all the bars and barriers of the dogmatism.All the sorrows, sufferings and struggles of the protagonist, Rehana Mansoori transform into happiness, Favouring’s and concords. All the antagonists became the followers of the protagonist. The story comes to an end with the theme the rectitude gets victory over the immorality.It is a narrative story. The language is very common and appealing. The style of the story is very common and curious with iconic imagery tone.