The weather by Pogonips will answer questions about the weather and give you realistic tips on how to make your own weather guess. Despite the fact we focus on the central Oregon coast our weather tips and facts will serve you well wherever you are in the world. You do not need to read Pogonips from front to back like a novel in order for it to make sense. The sections are discreet and inclusive so you can open it up wherever you choose. Pogonips will provide you a pleasant and informative read. When you have a weather related question you will easily find it answered in an understandable way regardless how technical the concept may be. This book is a good educational tool at any level of experience and knowledge. We think the most valuable parts of the book are the parts that help you interpret data and set up your own weather station. Combined with these sections we recommend the information on how to estimate events like wind speed even though you are not at your weather station. By reading this book you might get hooked like we did on fun weather indicators like weather rocks or the Vermont weather stick. Our hope is that by reading Pogonips you will join us in the fun of being a weather watcher and start your own weather records. Who knows locals in your area may call you for your weather guess when they plan outdoor weddings or a barbecue.