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About The Book
This book is about the manifold wisdom of God and His intent for the creation of man. Was the eating of the fruit from the tree of good and evil to the advantage of man? Considering that all things come together for good for them that love God how did this event help man against the devils plan? These are the questions that will be addressed in this book. In order to align ourselves to the will of God and to fulfilling His purpose we need to know why God created the earth what His purpose was and His intention. Remember Christ said I have come to do thy will oh God and let thy will be done on earth at it is in heaven. In the same way we need to do the will of God.Also Jesus said if you have faith as small as a mustard seed it is enough to do great things! (Luke 17:6 Matthew 17:20). Jesus in this scripture is simply saying if you assess a situation and you think that you only see 1% chance of success (as small as a grain of mustard seed) but you choose to believe that tiny 1% chance ignoring the 99% odds that is against you succeeding this is what faith is about. Elijah prayed for rain and the only evidence he saw was a small cloud but he concluded that God had answered his prayers. Then there was a heavy outpouring of rain.The problem is we want to see a perfect or 99% chance of success before taking actions. We want to see the sky covered with great clouds before we believe that rain will fall. You must be convinced beyond any reasonable doubts that 1% chance of success is enough to deliver to you your desired success. Most often God wants to work with the 1% chance of success if you only believe. This is what God did through Gideon with 1% strength by reducing his army from 32 000 to 300 men.