This is a series of books by the author Denis Hodson, who has written the tales based on the character creative drawings by his son, Nigel Hodson the artist. The character of Nigel O' Flattery in his first book, "The Meeting", was the first choice, because he was the only one who looked more like ordinary people the world over, and not like "The Nature People", who were to become part of his life. It could also have been that he was the chosen one, by the Nature People themselves. Maybe, it was because he had extra-large ears. The choice was more likely, because of the fact that all his life he had always had a keen sense of caring, for all creatures and living things. There was no difference in his feelings of kindness towards any creature, whether by nature it was swimming, flying, running or crawling. He was particularly caring towards life growing in the earth because such life, being very vulnerable, had no chance to defend itself from attack. So as Nigel discovered, time was of very little importance to his new found friends. It is now his opportunity to continue his story, before he forgets and it may be lost forever. He thus also realises, that he has become the link between his own people, who are The Time People", and these strange Nature People".