The Oracle of Life: Book II - Official Edition: 2 (Tijaran Tales)


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About The Book

13 year old Julius McCoy is about to start his second year at Tijara Academy in the Zed Lunar Perimeter. With the threat of the Arneshians averted for the moment he can get on with the important part of his school life: developing his rare mind-skills.Of course what any student on Zed looks forward to most is gaming in the Hologram Palace. But who is the mysterious lady hidden in one of the games? This encounter will set in motion an exciting and dangerous treasure hunt that will give him a whole new perspective on the real history of Zed and ultimately beyond to a shocking truth that could jeopardise the safety of everyone he holds dear.When an old enemy returns it becomes clear that the Arneshians are back with a new plan for taking over Zed and seizing control of Earth. As the pieces of the puzzle fall into place and he is drawn towards a climactic showdown it will take all of Juliuss mind-skills as he is forced into a deadly final duel. All this and more is waiting for you in the second instalment of the Tijaran Tales series The Oracle of Life.
