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About The Book
I know you are all thinking, not another cookbookThe best reason to cook is for the joy of it. Many of you would argue about this with me butI truly believe that anyone can be a great cook as long as they have the will to do it.Being the cook of the house i like to make food that i like and when it turns out tasting greati feel the satisfaction of a job well done. Sharing good food with family and friends is one oflifes greatest pleasures as great food brings people together. Find a good cook and you willfi nd someone who enjoys food.Writing and making these recipes for you and making them simple was something that wasvery important to me. They are easy, colorful and delicious. All cooks who take pride in theirwork will add those special fi nishing touches.Attractive presentation makes a difference to me. If it looks amazing, it will taste even better.I really hope you love the cookbook and the recipes as much as i do.Its time to cook