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About The Book
<p> The Socialist takes from the Rich and gives to the Poor all the while the Elites becomes the Masters of our Universe. The Elites are small group of very charismatic people who give good speech. They seduce our children into believing there is no God no right or wrong everything is grey; anything goes in the seductive world of the liberal left!</p><br/><p> In 1976 I voted for Jimmy Carter. I was young and in college and it was the thing to do. In 1978 I attended a Jane Fonda Tom Hayden rally in Santa Monica but it wasn't for me by now the realities of a liberal President had emerged like a stealthy sub. I started to realize liberalism doesn't work; you cannot take from the rich and give to the poor and expect things to get better. Especially when rich to the Elite Socialist is anyone with a job and the poor is anyone that supports their Socialization; more commonly referred to as Crony Capitalism!</p><br/><p> Carter was spending money and the national debt went through the roof.</p><br/><p> You could say our congress is spending money like drunken sailors but that would be unfair to the drunks at least they are spending their own money! Ronald Reagan</p><br/><p> So in 1980 I voted for Ronald Reagan and found quiet solace in the Republican Party. Reagan was arguably our best President and I quote him often in this book.</p><br/><p> I started to write this book in 1979 as direct response to the Carter Administration's assault on our freedom and liberties and Capitalism. Once Ronald Reagan won the Office I thought the country had dodged a Socialist bullet. Then Barrack Obama became President and the need to finish became as clear as the blue Arizona sky just before a monsoon!</p><br/><p> I believe every good Judeo-Christian mother should have her children read The Robin Hood Lies before they send their loving snowflakes off to the Socialist Indoctrination Camps AKA Institutes of Higher Learning.</p><br/><p> At camp they are taught President Barrack Obama who had William Ayers of the terrorist group the Weather Underground as a mentor is good while Michelle Bachman who ran a successful business raised 23 Foster Children is bad. A President who voted far to the left of Hilary Clinton for Abortion on demand is Ok while Christian ministers are demeaned as old school superstitious dinosaurs relics from antiquity!</p>