The Romance Game: Played And Lost is an adult-themed collectionof poems. In an age of social networks and relationship websites, lovecan happen across vast distances. One never knows who one meetsand falls for. The Romance Game: Played And Lost deals with onesuch relationship. In the beginning (Hiding Beauty and Trophy Girl)the attraction is mutual, and the pursuit relentless (Flowers for theLady and Conquest In The Midwest). Next come the excitement andeuphoria of new love (Youre I My Head), followed by the excesses oflimitless gratification (O, Gena Porny, How I Know You).Eventually, as the two individuals discovered the limits of their abilityto meet each others non-sexual needs (limited by his religiosity) thingsbegin to fall apart; and when the end becomes apparent (Love, InDesperation) she decides to take what she could (Nightmare). All thisstated in rhyme, and with rhythm.The Romance Game: Played And Lost is an entertaining yet movinganthology of the pains and gains of romance. The collection of poemsfascinatingly captures the many emotions (from a male perspective)of falling in and out of love. From the empathetic A Helping Hand, tothe harsh Nightmare, the collection covers the full range of emotionspossible in a tumultuous affair. In an age of social networks andrelationship websites, love canhappen across vast distances.One never knows who one meetsand falls for. The collection ofpoems in The Romance Game:Played And Lost tells the storyone such relationship. Beginningwith mutual attraction, the storyprogresses thru the pursuit, tothe excitement and euphoriaof new love, to the excesses oflimitless gratification, only toend in heart break. All this told inrhyme, and with rhythm.