The Rosary - Prayer of My Spirit


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About The Book

THE ROSARY _PRAYER OF MY SPIRIT Is praying the rosary a joy for you? Do you really feel that your prayers are being granted through the rosary? Does it ever happen to you that while praying the rosary various names of people suddenly come to you? Did you ever have an interior vision at the time of the rosary? Did you ever have a strong emotional or physical experience during the rosary? Do you feel as if you are outside time during the rosary? Originally published in Croatia this best selling book -The Rosary-prayer of my spirit - now available in the English language will answer these and other questions you might have as well as making you fall in love with this devotion. About the Author: Josip Lončar was born on the 8th of January 1964 in Repas Croatia in the Parish of Molve. He is co-director of the Charismatic Community Dobri Pastir (The Good Shepherd) and Co-founder and Administrator of Kristofori the non-profit organisation for the promotion of Christian values. Mr. Lončar is also Promotion Officer for the International Catholic Charis- matic Renewal Services (ICCRS) whose centre is in the Vatican Palazza della Cancelleria. Over the past fifteen years he has been working holding evangelisation seminars throughout Croatia as well as abroad. His visible charism of preaching healing and deliverance validate his argument that Jesus Christ is the only true option for man. The charismatic movement though is unthinkable without the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through his publications in The Rosary - prayer of my spirit series the author wishes to make his contribution to developing a greater understanding of the love which God gives us through Mary.
