General considerations respecting the science of finance, The theory of public expenditures, Concerning the nature of public expenditures, Relation of public expenditures to industrial political and social conditions, Relation of public expenditures to the classification of governmental functions, Some facts respecting public expenditures, Budgets and Budgetary legislation, General conceptions respecting budgets, Concerning the preparation of the budget, On the passage of the budget to its vote, Respecting discrepancies between the executed and the estimated budget, Financial organization and administration, Public revenue, Public domains and public industries, Revenue from public domains, Revenue from public industries, Taxation, General considerations respecting taxes, Concerning the principles of apportionment, Classification and characterization of taxes, Concerning the manner in which taxes work, Administrative consideration of taxes, Suggestions for a revenue system, Public credit, Nature of public credit, Employment of public credit, The administration of a public debt,