The Science of Leadership : Unleash your power of perseverance build your resilience activate your Intuition to achieve abundance and become a great leader.
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About The Book
Unleash the potential of your best qualities with the 7 powers of leadership virtues and upgrade your quality of life and leadershipDo you have a stagnant in your careerDo you find issues in your personal growthDo you find a lack of confidenceDo you find difficulty in making decisionsDo you find difficulty in problem-solvingDo you find a lack of creativityThe Science of Leadership will take you to a position beyond your imagination and hack the hidden limitless potential inside you.The power of 7 qualitiesLearn the important attributes of leadersWhy the qualities are vital for LeadersHow to implement the ideas into our livesReprogram yourself by understanding the problems and providing solutions.How the leaders handled the difficult scenariosHow the leaders came up with good solutions in tough and emergency situationsHow a simple person can become a leaderIdentifying and understanding how to react in the critical situationsLearn the real life of the people and their Emotional IntelligenceLearn to respond rather than reactLearn that nothing is impossible through the real-life storiesTap your IntuitionHow Intuition helps leadersHow to develop your IntuitionDont Wait for Miracles. Take Your First Step To unleash your leadership potential click the Buy Now button above.