Under the hot lights at Phillys police headquarters Darlene Dalton an ingenue paralegal is being interrogated for the murder of David L. Nusbaum the attorney for whom shed toiled . . . and lusted. Complicating matters are the facts that Nusbaum was married and White while Darlene is African American and afflicted. Just two months earlier the fresh-faced eager young woman successfully interviewed for a paralegal job at Nusbaums down-at-the-heels solo law practice. So how did such a promising start end so terribly? Did Darlene kill David? And if so why? And now will she take an even greater fall for her many concealed transgressions? . . . and also for his? . . . A tale of power and submission; fear and facades; sadness and self-loathing. Rich in character and setting The Secrets of Darlene Dalton is a not-so-typical legal whodunit sure to challenge and thrill.