The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


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About The Book

The book is seen as a practical guide to attaining success. Unlike other self help books that enumerate the hard work that should precede success this book exhorts the readers to delve into their own true nature and finding the fount of success from within themselves. Unless we are one with the nature that made us as it made the trees and mountains we cannot achieve anything. Some of the seven laws are being aware of your potentiality and being non-judgemental law of least resistance detachment and dharma. Following the mantras set down by Chopra lead the prac-titioners to success. The best part is that the success will not come from struggling and toiling but by being at peace with oneself. The book has appeared in the top 10 list of New York Times. About the Author Deepak Chopra was born in 1947 in New Delhi India. He was qualified as an endocrinologist in USA and started his practice there. He met with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in USA and became involved in transcendental Meditation movement. He left the TM movement to work with Sharp's Healthcare centre for mind and body wellness. He later founded his own wellbeing centre focus-sing on the alignment between mind and body. He has designed the ?quantum healing? which is supposed to heal any kind of ailment. Several other scientists and doctors have criticised his meth-ods are they are placebo based and may lead the patients in grave danger for abandoning the routine medical procedures. He has written several self help books which are all bestsellers and have been translated into several languages.
