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About The Book
The idea of this book started with the listed rod and reel records of the catch of Striped Bass of 60 pounds or more. Investigation showed many of these men and women who caught these big bass have passed on or can't be found and their stories lost. </p>It became obvious that a 60-pound plus Striped Bass caught by rod and reel was a rare event. So rare that I could not find a 100 after looking through all sought of outdoor media information. </p>If so rare a catch was registered the story of the catch must be just as unique. After interviewing many of these men and women I realized that each story contained the passion of its angler and the determination of its foe the Striped Bass. These rare stories should be preserved; once lost they will be gone forever. They contain passions from real men and women who have spent countless days months or even years seeking this trophy.